Sunday, May 16, 2010

some crazy film analysis thing

i did it for the points


it is for spirited away however, which is a lovely movie :3

also, actual heart and soul can be found in in the two posts below this


Ordinary World:
their old home off somewhere
also perhaps the actual ordinary, non-spirit world

Call to Adventure:
moving away
Chihiro being dragged into the spirit world, her parents turned into pigs
Haku: "talk to the boiler man, get a job, if he refuses you must insist."

Refusal of Call:
bad attitude about moving and all

Meeting the Mentor:
Haku finds her and instructs and helps her along at first
Kamajii also a mentor, tells her to

Crossing the Threshold:
talking to Yubaba and getting work in the bath house

Tests, Allies, and Enemies:
the whole ordeal with that stink spirit
Haku is not only apparently untrustworthy, but also apparently a dragon
encounter with the odd baby character

Approach the Inmost Cave:
chasing Haku down

The Ordeal:
nasty encounter with the bloated No-face

The Reward:
Zeniba breaks the curse
the baby and the crow become Chihiro's friends
Chihiro receives the protective hairband

The Road Back:
simply the trainride back

Chihiro discovers Haku's real name and he is finally healed
one final test where she must pick out which of the pigs are actually her parents

Return with Elixir:
gets her parents back, gets back to real world
leaves as a much more mature person




Threshold guardians-
Stink spirit





Sunday, May 9, 2010

Drive's Journey!

first person is better than no person at all


Heya. I'm Spazel Acrotand. That was my Human name, anyway. Most people call me Drive now, you probably ought to as well.

Just so you're clear, there's three kinds of people here. Elemen, Humans, and Hybrids. I'm a first-generation Hybrid, proud of it. But, in case you hadn't noticed, Elemania's been riddled with racism lately. Nobody really trusts a Hybrid.

The Elemen are probably justified in this, really... with all they've been through, with jerks like Vaargt and Lustra destroying everything for them. Then there's the Humans who regard us as oddballs, outcasts. It's just their nature to look down on the minority, I guess.

Well, whatever. I live in the north half of the island, where there's not really any big community anyway. We're pretty-tight knit up in the north, even if there aren't too many of us. So I don't experience the brunt of the the racial profiling.

Anyway, I'm pretty much top-notch when it comes to golemy. (It's kind of like engineering, but mostly magic-oriented rather than what you'd call science.) I design all kinds of magic-based mechanisms, and I can fix them too. I like what I do, and I manage a comfortable living from that. Oh yeah, did I mention I was nineteen years old? Not bad for someone my age, hmm? Yep, so things have been going pretty smooth, overall.

'cept one thing. Ever hear of the Archgang? No? That's because they stay hidden and pick on guys like me. And by picking on me, I mean that they slip into my warehouse at night and steal my goods. Bunch of low-life scum if you ask me. One time I catch one of them in the act, he sees me and nearly torches me to death! Pah! Something's gotta be done, I tell you what.

Only trouble is, I can't say I know what to do. Elemania's in a semi-anarchy state right now, so I've got to take things into my own hands. Taking on these guys on my own would be suicide. Though, I suppose there's a handful of other people who are having similar troubles. I think they're trying to get some justice on their own, too.

I don't like any of 'em. At least, I don't like the way they do things. They're all brash, and honestly I don't think they'll be able to make much of a dent without getting themselves killed. But what can I say? Maybe I can whip these guys into shape and we can get something done. Might as well talk to them. Maybe I'll get involved.


Hero: Spazel/"Drive"; young man of the minority race.
Ordinary World: Part of a tight-knit sparsely-populated community. Talented engineer for magical things, runs a shop, lives a comfortable life.
Call to Action: Some nasty "Archgang" group threatens his business and his safety.
Special World: Working with a handful of people with similar troubles, trying to work with their carelessness and unorganizedness, and helping them actually make a dent in the offending group.
