Friday, March 12, 2010

Six word memoooooirs

Now, does anybody actually read through every baby tidbit of text that falls into making this kind of a blog? Heck no! Not a chance, lads! At least, I certainly don't. But maybe there'll be a right better chance if it's actually short enough to read through. Worth'a shot, anyhow. So read away, kapeesh?

(Nah I kid, I read through your stuff, I do.)

((Eh, usually anyway.))


In no particular order BUT STILL IN REVERSE ORDER!!

10; plain sight was never so obvious!

9; sorrow fights much harder than joy.

8; when in doubt, abuse your power!

7; don't fall without causing a crater!

6; unfortunately, with water comes pond scum.

5; careful, lads. this garden ain't eden.

4; elevators like these only go down.

3; hardly a boat unless it floats.

2; many good ideas die when executed.

1; oops this isn't enough words


  1. I liked number five a lot, "careful lads, this garden ain't eden." That really means a lot for a six word memoir, very good.

  2. I really liked #6. I think it's a good motto for life, that with the good comes the bad and we just have to deal with what we get. Good job!

